When does being spiteful come to an end? or does it?

Being spiteful carries a risk to both the aggressor and the receiver of the pain whereas with just aggression, the pain is almost always received by just the target.

Researchers found the personality traits that were associated with spitefulness included: “aggression, psychopathy, Machiavellian-ism, narcissism, and guilt-free shame,” while the personality traits that were associated with opposite of spitefulness included: “self-esteem, guilt-proneness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.”




Disadvantaged people acting out of spite can pull their oppressors down a few pegs.


Spite does in fact defy logic. Try your luck to succeed with 2 betta fish in a gallon tank. Now spite can come in trivial forms, from me eating your leftovers, then you seeking revenge by eating my dinner. Or more detrimental, like you cheating on me so I feel the need to cheat on you. It is certainly the infamous, petty tit-for-tat game I assumed we would all grow from at some point. The urge to do me as I did you as if it is a proven fact that I would even feel as you did.

How someone reacts to something has absolutely nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with their morals and how their upbringing. If you feel that “payback” is mandatory, this will involve stepping down a few levels of maturity.

Realistically speaking, why spend that ample time you have or do not, with minute matters? Because she responded late, it should not determine how long they wait for your response; especially if you have seen the message?

Usually, when people are in the act of spite, I relate it to a way of trying to teach a lesson. Teaching you a lesson with the intent that you fail miserably and feel as they did. Sounds like Vengeance? Yes, but they are quite different. Spiteful is caused by malice, whereas vengeance is punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. It’s clear one has more severity than the other! As a hex to a curse, both are like umbrellas but for different weather conditions. “Either way, ima get you back” is its slogan. Such an unhealthy/toxic way to live. So much of life’s precious time is wasted doing things we do not gain from; I disregard the temporary thrill.

In a sense, being spiteful can also protect you. It’s a bitter-sweet thing, and you must know when to throw that card. Depending on who you play with, the game can be lifelong. But what about when it’s to protect your peace, your body, your utopia? To let it be known, that it can not and will not be fucked with! Sometimes I say it is called for, sometimes you can dish it right back. Other times, it is advised to let the highest handle it. No karma you dish will be better than what God has cooked up for them. Personally, I just pray to witness/hear about it; if that.

In totality


Spite, by definition, means the actor gets no immediate benefit, and in fact might potentially lose an advantage by acting in a spiteful manner. But the reason spite may have persisted through evolution and been passed down to offspring is because there can be a long-term benefit: If you’re seen as someone who will exact revenge on someone even at your own cost, people will know not to mess with you. Other individuals will be less likely to attempt to compete with you, because they know slighting you could bring about their demise — your reputation as a spiteful person would precede you. “It’s probably not spiteful when you’re looking at the long term,” Frank Marlowe, a biological anthropologist at the University of Cambridge, told The New York Times. “If you get the reputation as someone not to mess with and nobody messes with you going forward, then it was well worth the cost.”


-Malaysia’Monét J

Quote of the Auracle: “ You should not be the reflection of my fuck-up’s.”

-Malaysia’Monét J

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Can I Change, Please?


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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