Do not give it permanence 

When it rains it pours, or as I like to say; it showers. 

It can’t get any worse tends to be one of many thoughts following a stroke of bad luck.

Let us speak on luck briefly;


A force that brings good fortune or adversity.

Now, I don’t believe in luck, as I deem it to be more so a thought process than an object. I believe in the accumulation of great things being done to then bring about outstanding results; and the same vice versa. I believe luck is a mental state, a belief; and you create it for yourself. No one, thing or force can hand it to you. 

When It Rains It Pours

Its origin comes from a fairly unlikely place: the Morton Salt Company. 

Who would’ve thought?

The Everyday Expression Invented By A Table Salt Brand
When everything seems to be going wrong in your life, there’s one expression that you’re likely to hear from friends…

When shit hits the fan, it seems to bring the house down. 

From experience and observation, I feel this happens because we tend to dwell on the mishap. The feeling that derives from this mishap can be so intense. If you think of it hard enough and feel it as well, it will happen for you. You can manifest both positive and negative things to happen in your life; no bias here. 

Bringing me back to luck, you create it for yourself. Therefore, not taking the proper precautions to ensure health in all areas of your life; will eventually result in some type of snowball effect. It’s where the term don’t cry over spilled milk was coined. If you tilt it slightly then reverse it, it would like a pity party.

It feels like everything gets worse because that’s exactly how we feel. The goal is to be positive even during such times. See the light, remain tranquil, and don’t let it ruin your day. Sounds easy?

Negativity Bias

The negative bias is our tendency not only to register negative stimuli more readily but also to dwell on these events.

Ergo, the exact things that can brighten nearly everyone’s day will be blocked and/or ignored because of that negative stimuli.

Being aware of the negative stimuli and understanding the feeling psychologically, can aid in channeling those feelings. So when something unfavorable does happen, you won’t find yourself amid avalanche. 

Avalanches can be deadly; masses of snow, ice, and rocks that fall rapidly down a mountainside. Metaphorically speaking, this is how it may make people feel when it showers. Everything is coming down like everything is falling apart; feelings of despair are as if it’s the end of the world.

It’s not!

In closing

Optimism is one of the greatest traits one can have.

An inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome.

Although complex, let us work on being optimistic under all circumstances and understand we are the change we want to see. We must change our behavior, our ways of thinking — it must change. 

Let us handle all of our priorities so they don’t turn to mandated obligations. So that there’s no snowball effect, even so; it won’t start an avalanche.

They say don’t dwell in another’s misery. Well, don’t dwell in your miseries either.

Acknowledging is always the first step to seeking help. Please talk to loved ones, or you can call 800–273–8255


Quote of the Auracle: “Things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.”

-Ralph Smart

“Things fall apart to fall into place” 

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you.

You can treat me to a cup of tea if you’d like to. It will go a long way in supporting me as a writer.

If you enjoy my content, you may like my other line of business (no correlation.) Please check it out. 💚

“While You Sleep” Children’s ebook by my daughter & I.




Check Out “Call It Journey Entry”


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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