Are we ready to conquer life? The process of waking up may be a job in itself, & others tend to jump out of bed with a spark of energy to do absolutely nothing. Honestly, I would be scared of the unknown as well. Ignorance is bliss, & figuratively speaking; we know there will be a new day. Yet and still, nothing is done, no one is prepared, organized, disciplined, or even well-rooted. What happened to homework? Self-work? Self-worth? You can have all intent to wake up & be great, but without fundamentals; how long can you stand? Under what conditions?

During this trying time, a lot of us have been tested. Many learned, some failed, but the work must continue. In order to execute, you must make a plan. A plan that is worthy of your time, but stick to it. That’s where some fall short of discipline. How bad do you want it? Who will eat because of this effort? Well, effort is not a dessert, but who will reap these seeds sewn? Although we didn’t plan to be on this earth, we must make a plan whilst here. PERIOD. Make one!

• Be aware

Understand your circumstances & what’s going on in your life. Although this may not be who you’re. working to be, come to terms with it & proceed. Without understanding what’s happening in front of you, why, & how you impact it, I know you can’t possibly correct any damage(s).

• Have a plan

Creating a blueprint is vital, nonetheless fundamental for one’s success. Strategizing and mapping it out will make one’s mission much easier to accomplish. Not disregarding difficult obstacles, you must have a plan for it all. Now don’t go and manifest such horrible things just to prepare for it. More so, know what needs to be done for SELF, to get you back on track when need be.

• Be gritty/Be motivated

Courageous may be one of the most attractive traits one can withhold. Sprinkle that with the confidence to succeed, there’s no way you can be anything short of great. Knowing what motivates you helps when things/times aren’t ideal. What pushes you on a daily to be your BEST version of yourself? You must figure these things out.

• Install discipline

These past few years have been tough for a lot of us. One may lose touch with self and lose all types of discipline they THOUGHT they may have had. Some do, even so; we all have been tested. For some it’s much easier to be told what to do, given a set of rules to be followed, expected when to clock in, or even what time to have lunch. It works for a vast majority, but for others without delegation; life basically stops. One may be prone to laziness, or even lack the inspiration to do anything. Like I’ve heard “If you don’t tell yourself what to do, you will live your life being told what to do.” SIMPLE. Be great because you say so, not because someone tells you work starts at 9:45 am or that you may be getting a promotion. Wake up and work on yourself and your craft because you want to. You know that it will pay off!

• Stay. consistent

Nothing great comes from the first try, and if so it won’t be repeated when need be. You must KEEP ON KEEPING ON! Make progress through the process. Be able to keep delivering, but actually deliver. Keep learning, a tweak is sometimes mandatory. Breaks for what? The time that we put in is all calculated, & we will get the sum of it. Every time you stop, that breaks a “success cycle” that you now have to restart. What a waste.


• Take time for self/Sanity

It doesn’t matter who you care for or who you love MOST, you are always first. Take care of yourself, & take time out to cater to yourself. We can never depend on anyone to care for us the way we care for us. Love you the way you SHOULD love you. Realistically, no one can know you the way you do. I learn something new about myself every day, so there is no possible way anyone can truly know me in its entity. You can get to know yourself better than anyone, so take that time out; get to know how great of an individual you are.


• Surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

It’s a burden to even surround yourself with people who are on such a different wavelength than you are. “Different type of time”. It will seem like everything they do is working against you & your goal(s). Sometimes it can feel like you can’t really be your true self or may have to dumb down your communication because you’re aware that whoever is not mentally where you are. The benefit of being around like-minded individuals is priceless. Growth is def in-store, with more ideas, creation, & just GREATNESS. When we can feed off of each other’s “positive vibes”, that gives us the opportunity, “THE WANT” to go & be our greatest self. Do not let negative people interrupt your peace, your space, your tranquility. Keep all of that sacredness guarded or at least only share those things with people who are damn near the same.


• Be thankful/Have some type of belief system

Maybe what I should’ve started with, but who do you turn to? What set of RULES do you live by? Who is your god? Or what do you believe in? It may be Jesus, Buddha, Taoism, whatever may have you. Who do you look to for answers? Having such divine principles, morals, to the standards you set for yourself has everything to do with who you praise. However. you think the human race is alive, I am sure you hold it to a standard. A standard that you too can set for yourself.

QUOTE OF THE “Auracle”

“We are living and didn’t plan to be here, but we must make a plan if we really wanna LIVE here.”


Check Out “5 Ways To Reinvent Yourself”


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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