Please DO NOT exclude yourself…

Bias Bias Bias. The ways people carry on are insane and can alternatively be labeled inhumane, inconsiderate, and even disrespectful. Yes, broad it is and none of any tasteful attributes. Personally, I look for patterns as if life is a math sequence; it is exactly that. All has been done in some way and will be repeated, hence how cognitive biases were identified. People will continually behave in (a) manner(s) that hinder themselves, their success, and/or the people around them.

What is Cognitive?

1 : of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment. 2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge.

What is Bias?

1. Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

What is Cognitive Bias?

Humans have a tendency to think in particular ways that can lead to systematic deviations from making rational judgments. They influence the way we think and act, and such irrational mental shortcuts can lead to all kinds of problems in entrepreneurship, investing, or management.


How we act and what we decide to say are always based on our personal life experiences. After doing some research I came to the conclusion; if confirmation bias is not one-sided and ignorant, I don’t know what is. Not being open to change/new ideas can cause stagnancy in life, if not; your same ‘ole routine is still in effect. The need to exclusively defend your ideology can determine how tightly knitted your relationships are not. How well can you communicate and be open to different viewpoints? What about based on new research/findings? These people are stuck in their ways and hold onto evidence that supports them and their ideas; therefore proving themselves to be “right” every time. 9/10 they are wrong. Their mind is set up to prevent anything/anyone opposing them and what they believe.

“they will also interpret news stories in a way that upholds their existing ideas.”

“These biases contribute to overconfidence in personal beliefs and can maintain or strengthen beliefs in the face of contrary evidence”


Petty? Yes, but real. I cannot explain the number of people who have been insulted from simply not seeing them in public or while another task is at hand. Something as innocent and apparently natural can alter another’s feelings and screw up their day. They may not believe that you certainly did not see them, it can be questioned and now you’re a liar. There is absolutely no way you could have this “big-shot” of a human walk by you and you not notice. Ha, go figure.

Inattentional blindness (also called perceptual blindness) is the failure to notice something that is completely visible because of a lack of attention.

Because intuitively, people believe that as long as our eyes are open, we are seeing. Even as we recognize that the brain does a lot of processing behind the scenes, we expect that at least salient objects.

What brings some visual objects to conscious awareness, while others remain unnoticed? What is the fate of information that is perceived only unconsciously?


By close, the corniest, unaccountability having…this one isn’t admirable of a character at all; as it gives sore loser”. Not being able to handle and own up to your losses will result in a lack of support when/if you do succeed. Simple sequined math! The self-serving bias is of one who (attempts to) takes all of the credit when things go ideal, but blames everything/everyone else if it happens to go wrong. They want NO PARTS if it isn’t desirable! And neither do I of them.


This one can be detrimental to your livelihood/well-being and can start as early as infancy. Not only is this one the highest severity level (in my opinion), it is what fueled me to start this article. No matter how great they may say you are, all the potential you know you have; negative comments/rude gestures stick out like someone that was not invited. Then we proceed to dwell on the specific comment, or the nasty look, disregarding what we know to be the truth.

The negative bias can cause a relationship to fail before it gets anywhere. Being fixated on how things can go left due to previous experiences, can cause you to act in that same manner; left, resulting in being left as well. Infidelity took place while you were on vacation, does not mean every partner you have will disregard you in this way. Unless this is what you attract based on the manifestation of your negative biased ways. Then yes, you will run into a lot of cheaters!

As humans, we tend to:

Remember traumatic experiences better than positive ones.

Recall insults better than praise.

React more strongly to negative stimuli.

Think about negative things more frequently than positive ones.

Respond more strongly to negative events than to equally positive ones.


This one is simply judging people by the situation they are in and labeling them exactly that. Although it may be evident as to why they are behaving this way; it’s disregarded as it serves no purpose?. It can lead to systematic errors in first impressions of other individuals. Maybe if we as humans were less judgemental and not so quick to throw titles profusely. We may notice it is not what it appeared to be! He’s behaving distastefully because he does not know how to handle the loss of his father.



Basically, it’s the overestimation of another, and the underestimation of the others. It’s quite sad to be reminded (because I am aware), that when you do not deem successful in their eyes, you’re not successful yet. No matter how much blood sweat and tears you’ve put in if it doesn’t reach their standards of success, it’s not official. Survivorship Bias is more or less the concentration of others’ success and overlooking those who have yet to reach those heights; typically because of their lack of visibility.

The pattern has been identified, therefore biases were created. Identify the problem and correct it. Common sense? We all have one if not many biases, it is humane; there are more than 175 cognitive biases. The goal is to rectify our hindering ways of being and start the growth of the greatest you yet.

-Malaysia’Monét J

Quote of the Auracle: “Stagnancy is the devil, we could all use some change.”

-Malaysia’Monét J

CHECK OUT “You’re Doing A Great Job”


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!