What Goes Around Comes Back…Directly To You

As it relates to all of us, whether you believe it to be true or you dare to be different; karma will sweep you off your feet — and maybe drag you off for others. Karma pertains to both the negative and positive things we do and holds no biases when it works it’s “magic” (for lack of a better word). Maturity can be displayed when a eureka moment comes to you, you then realize and take accountability as to why things may have unfolded for you the way they have. Strictly due to our own actions/behavior, in a different form and maybe a different intensity, we will always reap what we have sewn. Ironically, there’s no way around that. What Goes Around Comes Back…Directly To You.

Karma Defined

The force generated by a person’s actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person’s next existence

The force created by a person’s actions that some people believe causes good or bad things to happen to that person

Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action.” It refers to a cycle of cause-and-effect that is an important concept in many Eastern Religions, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. In its essence, karma refers to both the actions and the consequences of the actions.

It is evident that good karma is substantial to living and maintaining a happy/pure lifestyle. You get what you put out, and the same goes for bad karma as well. Interestingly, this action has reached and been in relation to those with belief systems other than karma’s derivation; Hinduism & Buddhism. 

The concept of karma in Hinduism developed and evolved over the centuries. The earliest Upanishads began with the questions about how and why man is born, and what happens after death.

Similarly, in the Hindu context karma refers to ritual action — darshan and puja — whereas for the Buddhists karma has always been an ethical action. For Buddhists, karma (action) — whether good or bad — lay in the intention. Buddha deemphasized Brahmanical rituals by making karma an ethical act and focusing on intention.

My purpose in writing this article is to educate someone.

Not everyone is aware or believes in karma. I cannot make you a believer and that is not the goal. To be kind, show gratitude and respect even when our person is tested? Better now than never is the message I come to you with. You see, nowhere in my readings (or yours) have you found this action (Karma) to expire, come to an end, decease, or interrupt. This whole cycle begins as an adolescent, prior to understanding this “concept”. We are not aware unless we are taught or through our own findings later in life.

Although trivial matters with bad intentions may seem harmless in comparison to more detrimental situations, both can weigh a ton on your life in the short and/or long run. It’s all cause & effect, and it may not be instant —but trust it’s on its way, and it will not stop. 

This also pertains to the greater deeds, the good things you do. That is, when done with an actual heart, and not with an intent to receive or gain personally. These actions carried out by you or because of you must be genuine and not calculated for your benefit(s). Being Selfish is not a trait present in any true leader, god, lord, lecturer, or whomever you may worship/look to.

After all is said & done, more will be done. One’s actions can be frowned upon by society and that same person can change his /her life around for the best. Unfortunately, as I say “Karma has no expiration” because your past will always catch up to you. No matter your turnaround for the greater good, your past cannot be altered, changed or deleted. Essentially & lastly, let us be sure prior to our demise. Sure enough to say we’ve done our best with the right heart. Better now than never.


Quote of the AURACLE: I’d rather lead by example than be the example — ANY DAY.

-Malaysia’Monét J

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