Sir/Madam, you may be on the wrong line

The comfort in knowing you have someone to confide in can be all the calm you need after a storm. In some cases, one may not require feedback, no form of response, or any questions answered. Every so often to be heard is all that’s needed. In other cases, we vent because we are directly or indirectly yearning for guidance, clarity, another point of view, and/or answers. This article is for those who vent and need a mature unbiased response —prior to telling their life story. 

In addition to these past 3 heavily draining years, life is no fairytale. We all have our own set of complications, drawbacks, mix-ups, stumbling blocks, etc. Learning a form of release in order to detoxify the mind soul and body is a great start. When one has decided their form of expression to be as simple as communicating with others — check-in. 

Check-in with the listener and their well-being. Make sure they’re in the right state of mind to attempt to help you. They may be overwhelmed by their own problems and cannot be of any effective assistance to you. 


Me: Hello…

Them: Hey Aura, Are you busy? I need your undivided attention.

Me: Ok, I’m reading to my daughter. I’ll call you back in 30min.

I’d say that’s better than talking while one is barely listening & giving half-ass advice because they’re just a little tied up at the moment. Yes, it is also their responsibility to let you know they cannot speak; but let us be responsible for ourselves first. 

What is an energy transfer you ask? Energy transfer is the process by which energy is relocated from one system to another, for example, through the transfer of heat, work, or mass transfer.

This pertains to us as humans as well.

Beware Of People Around You, Science Says You’d Absorb Their Energy

Now, why would one deliberately intend to overwhelm another with their own issues? Sounds a bit selfish, without the exception of checking in with that person’s well-being and regarding their task at hand. 

Yes, according to one study, around two percent of people were able to multitask effectively. These supertaskers are actually able to complete two tasks simultaneously without a decrease in their effectiveness. The other 98% of people were unable to multitask at all.

No matter the relation or connection, assuming someone will drop the things they’re doing and forget about the depression they’re going through (figuratively speaking) ONLY to console and entertain a possible pity party— you’re in for a rude awakening. In instances where one may truly want to be there for you at the drop of a dime…time and life doesn’t quite allow that. No one’s life goes on pause because you need to vent. 

Also, remain mindful of the confider and make certain they have your best at heart. Be sure the people you confide in do not hold you to the misdoings of your past. This makes life that much more difficult during your evolution with these types of people in your corner. Those who are biased on the topics of your issues should never be go-to’s. Common sense is not to go to a feminist for relationship advice, nor should I think I can find an understanding of my traditional views from another woman and her modern views.

This person you decide to tell your business to (a.k.a vent to), are they worthy of this info? In your absence, will they make an example of your devastations to others? Our morals are different, our upbringings aren’t alike. Who’s to say your best advice is in my favor, or in alignment with my beliefs? After that has been cleared and handled, CHECK-IN. If your trustee is occupied with life — write it down in a journal. Scripting is another great form of release, though you do not receive an instant response, the feedback you receive will be from yourself; in due time. 


Quote of the AURACLE: “Don’t let your loss for words be the reason you seethe.”


Thank you for reading, I appreciate you.

You can treat me to a cup of tea if you’d like to. It will go a long way in supporting me as a writer.

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“While You Sleep” Children’s ebook by my daughter & I.


Also Check Out “Oh, Why They Shatter”


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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