We all know a bit much…

“A wise man never knows all. Only a fool knows everything”

While noticing consistent patterns and behaviors in different people, my anxiety activates. What is this, and why? No way, it’s nowhere near possible that you or anyone knows everything. There are far too many red flags when dealing with a know-it-all type of person. 

These type of people block their blessings by having such strong certainty about things they aren’t sure of or may have only heard of. I’d say, the perfect recipe for having no friends. I notice these people don’t take a breath to think, it’s just — I know

The ‘I Know Syndrome’ typically starts off with thinking that you know and in many cases with my clients, they do believe they know what they should, could or must do. Then from there the syndrome usually moves on to them doing things that are the opposite of what they say they know.

The bizarre part about it is no one is perfect — and as adults, we know this.

How could you know everything? Why would you want to? It is alright not to have an inkling, but to proceed and push a narrative of a know-it-all is naive. Which thereafter leaves you with a list of negative characteristics they may possibly have, like arrogance, the need for things to go their way (the right way), etc.

There are several points in life where we may need some guidance, that is a given. No one will want to be of assistance to you, no one will want to give you the exact answers you need. And due to this disposition that you’ve built, you must go figure — but you already know, right?

From my personal observation, these types of people are not generally at ease; these types of people respond without thinking. Usually, if accountable, they change their response soon after. Thankfully?

Personally, I don’t know what’s more triggering or which provokes me more, those who fail to be accountable or those who speak faster than they’re thinking. Take your time, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

I’m working on not letting those traits of others bother me, in any way. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

My only solution is to come down to earth, and each one teaches one since you know all.


Quote of the Auracle: “Say what you mean, & mean what you say — No takebacks.”

Thank you for reading, I appreciate you.

You can treat me to a cup of tea if you’d like to. It will go a long way in supporting me as a writer.

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Facebook“While You Sleep” Children’s ebook by my daughter & I.

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Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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