What is communication?


The imparting or exchanging of information or news.

SILENCED, because where do I start? This way of thinking can say a lot about one’s organizational skills, or maybe one’s ability to prepare for things that matter. The inability to formulate your feelings into words comes off as a difficult task for some. The feeling of not knowing how what you say can be interpreted. Maybe indirectly trying to protect another individual’s feelings; which I personally, AM NOT in the business of. How about exhaustion? The lack of energy for dialogue. Maybe you simply DO NOT want to talk, even after deeming it necessary. All mentioned, and others can be reasons why one may feel SILENCED. Please note, you should never feel like you cannot communicate and express yourself.

I have yet to meet an official psychic. Someone who knows what I am thinking before I decide to voice it, if in fact it is that thought I decided to voice. For that trivial reason my dears is why we MUST communicate. I don’t think they quite understood, people will answer for you if you remain mute. People will assume, and it will hardly ever be in your favor.

“The negativity bias, also known as the negativity effect, is the notion that even when of equal intensity, things of a more negative nature have a greater effect on one’s psychological state and processes than neutral or positive things.”Negativity bias – WikipediaThe negativity bias, also known as the negativity effect, is the notion that, even when of equal intensity, things of a…en.wikipedia.org

How would anyone know how to talk to you, what you like and dislike, or even hate? How could one possibly know you feel some way about a situation if it is not expressed? No one can possibly just “know”, and if in a small frame in time they did, that too will pass. Nothing stays the same forever! This pertains to any and every relationship you can possibly have.

So we are clear, communication and communicating effectively are very much different. While communicating you can be voicing a bunch of bullshit, on the other hand, one can communicate and get their viewpoint across effectively without missing information. Bringing me back to my intro, the know-how to prepare your words and/or thoughts, plays an important role in communicating effectively. Learning to listen plays a major role as well, because what are we speaking about? Or what are you responding to? Are you being selective on what part of the conversation to stem from?

“Selective hearing refers to when a person appears to only hear what is important to them.”How You Can Deal With Selective Hearing Within Your FamilyDoes your child only seem to listen when they hear words they like, such as ice cream? Selective hearing refers to when…www.verywellfamily.com

Now imagine a world without any form of communication. Yearning to express how you feel whether happy or sad. To say “I love you” and mean it wholeheartedly. A feeling of betrayal? How could they ever know? Yes, body language says a lot, but effective communication could have changed that shrug into a better gesture. It is the mind games I was never here for. If it were up to me(Damn because I know it’s not), we would live in a world where everyone actually wanted to communicate. The desire to get your point across, and say how you feel. What is the f’n secret?

Malaysia’Monét J

Quote of the Auracle: “Communication is what makes a team strong.”


Check Out “Call It A Journey Entry”


Malaysia'Monét is an all-around brand. She represents two things, Growth, and Motivation. While learning she shares. Let us UPGRADE our lifestyles together. WE ARE GREAT EVERY DAY!

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